Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October Homeschool Night

Then the spies came back to their brethren at Zorah and Eshtaol, and their brethren said to them, “What is your report?”
Judges 18:8

Last night we had a quick homeschool night.  We read to Daddy our latest reports and ate some sugar and spice cookies.  Each person shared a report on their schoolwork.  Alexis, Hannah, and I (Kimber) read our WriteShop papers and then we (and Caleb and Seth) had a report on someone in History.  Eden and Josiah sang the Lord's Prayer for us and showed us some of their artwork.

Josiah, Mama, Lydia, and Eden.

Hannah reading her WriteShop paper.

Eden passed the cookies out for us!

Caleb reading off his paper on John Deere.

Alexis reading her WriteShop paper titled "My Life As a Pencil."

Eden was excited to be there! :)

Me and my write shop paper.

An abstract picture of Seth with one of our huge beets!

All for Jesus,
Kimber :)

P.S. - Tomorrow we'll be at the Whitsons! :)

Prayer Request:  Please pray that the weather is beautiful on Friday so that we can go hiking.  I think it's supposed to rain.

Praise Report:  Last night Hannah, Daddy, and I got to watch the Duggars on TV (we went to "work out" at our local SnapFitness... but we spent most of the time watching them)!  [We don't have cable :)]  We love watching them and we also got to see Mrs. Anna have her baby!  It was the neatest thing!  Anyways, the reason this is a "praise report" is because we were silently praying that they would be on last night and they were! 

Okay, I'm done! :)

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