First of all, thank you for stopping by! This is our "Family Page" where we help you get to know us, by a photo and short description of every member of our family.
Hello I'm Scott-aka Papa bear, Snow bear, dadee, and popsee,-I must say that it is an honor to be the father and husband to this family. I could think of no better life than the one the Lord has allowed me thus far to live. I am still very much in love with Mah Sexy Thang and my Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. The Lord's guidance and direction is the only reason for our unity and love for one another and our "neighbor." I sometimes am tempted to think more highly of myself than I ought and then the Lord reveals to me my folly. The truth is that when the battle is raging and communications are cut off the only ones left standing are the ones kneeling before our beloved Savior. Thank you Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I'm Michelle, a.k.a. Mom. I'm delighted to be the wife and mother of this wonderful family God has given me to serve. I'm so thankful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that He loves me every day and for the wonderful, godly husband/ father that guides us all and keeps our family full of love and laughter. I enjoy being in the home, learning better ways to keep my family healthy and well fed in the most economical ways. I've come to appreciate many LARGE gardens and fun times canning our harvests. I look forward to soon having our own horse (I guess you never outgrow horse fever :) and I'm enjoying our new cow, Halle! I also love singing with my family, playing the piano, having babies, and going on beach trips together.
I'm Hannah and I'm 18 years old. As the oldest in the family I feel the responsibility to live the example of Jesus to all of my younger siblings. I'm very thankful for my parents constant guidance and advice as I grow older and search for the Lord's will for my life. I enjoy cooking, playing piano, singing, rocking babies to sleep, reading books, eating dark chocolate, and doing the banking for Daddy's business. I have started teaching piano and am a 2012 homeschool grad! Some of my interests include midwifery, missions, and language. I can't wait to see what the Lord will do in the coming months and years.
(Oh...and I have a blog for young ladies. You can visit it here!)
Hi, I'm Kimber and I'm 16 years old. I'm the main up-keeper of this blog and I love recording the funny and normal everyday occurrences that happen in our family! (Life in this family is never boring!) I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is everything to me and without Him life would be worthless. I also love photography, horses, living in the country, singing with my sisters and Mama (but only in private ;), doing crazy stuff with Daddy (swinging on vines in our forest, for example), cooking desserts, spending time with my siblings, reading about military history, wearing outfits that match perfectly (just ask my sisters!), smiling, and using lots of exclamation marks when I write! :) :)

Hello!! I'm Alexis, and I am an energetic 15 year old who loves to talk and bring smiles onto people's faces! :) I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and strive to serve Him with my all and all. I have an "artistic mind" and I'm very much involved in just about every creative thing around! Some particular things I enjoy and am interested in are photography, God's wonderful creation (animals, nature, etc.), singing, card making, art (experimenting with colors mainly), sewing, hair styling, shoes! :), talking ;)....I think you get the point! I pray that I will be a godly example to my younger siblings and a light in the world. :)
Hello!!! My name is Caleb. I am an animated, lively 13 year old young man. I am the oldest boy in the family, so I have a lot of responsibility. It is fun being the oldest boy so I hope I am living up to it!! I love the Lord Jesus Christ my Savior and reading my Bible every day. I like to play the guitar, read, run, work, fish, Hunt, and wrestle with my father and brothers, and I love the Medieval Times. I have been working with my Daddy in lawn care for 5 years and I hope to continue working with him as I get older!! My brother, Seth, and I currently own and operate an egg-selling business. You can find out more info here.
Hello, my name is Seth and I'm 11 years old. I love my mama and my daddy! My sisters say I'm kinda loud and sometimes hyper, but really I'm the quiet, serious type ;-). My passion is drawing, designing, and inventing and I hope to one day have a shop of my own. I also enjoy sword-fighting my brother, wrestling, eating food, and listening to orchestras (and bagpipes). I'm also trying to learn how to play a bagpipe. I try to read my Bible every day and get closer to Jesus. I hope to one day be able to lead a family of my own (with lots of children), Lord willing.
HI, I'm Eden and I'm 9 years old! I enjoy giving loving hugs to everybody. I also like to be funny, play, draw, play the piano, love on all sorts of creatures (including my brothers and sisters!), do school, ride my bike, swimming, and taking pictures. My favorite book in the Bible is John, my favorite C.D. is Chris Tomlin, my favorite food is Italian, my favorite color is purple, and my favorite season is winter. I enjoy learning to hold and rock Judah to sleep and hopefully be a good mama one day, like our mommy!!!
My name is Josiah David and I'm 6 years old! I like to go shopping with my Na-Naw, jumping, tackling with the boys and daddy, eating noodles, petting horses, watching movies, and hugging on daddy. One day I'd like to milk cows, get married and have kids, be strong and able to put little children up in the air for fun. I enjoy doing my devotions with daddy in the morning and singing with the rest of my family!
Hi!! My name is Lydia. I'm 4 years old and I keep everyone in the family very active. I love to get into just about everything but I'm also very sweet and lovable (so say my sisters). I'm very ticklish and I absolutely LOVE "chewies" (a.k.a. anything sweet!) and being outside, "hugging" our animals or playing with my siblings. I also enjoy smothering Judah with kisses, playing dress-up with Lexi, getting my nails painted by my older sisters, "helping" with lunch or chores, having books read to me, looking at photo books, singing "Jesus wuvs Me" and "Go Tell It on the Mountain" as loud as I possibly can, etc.
Judah is 2 year old and we all love kissing his chubby cheeks, or talking to him as he smiles and "talks" to us. He's running all over the place and we have to make sure we keep a good eye on him! He is such a sweet little guy! He enjoys baths, eating, tackling Daddy, and scrunching up his nose in adorable way!
And just a few more pictures just because I [Kimber] can! :)
The two who started it all:
The Wassenberg men:
As I looked and saw, I beheld something beautiful and this is what the Lord said:
ReplyDeleteYour wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house;
your children will be like olive shoots around your table.
Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD.
The LORD bless you from Zion!
May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem
all the days of your life!
Psalm 128:3-5
Daniel Hulen
This is the 1st time I have looked at the pictures of the Wassenbergs (spelling?). I love this family and miss them so much!!! Hope to get together with you all soon
ReplyDeleteLove Donna Ballard
You all are such a sweet family! I am inspired by your blog and can't wait to read more! God bless you! :)
Hannah, great to know your parents and all brothers and sisters. You all have joy of the Lord on your face. It would be a great time of encouragement for me to come and spend some time with your family. I feel more blessed in knowing your family. God bless you all. Contact me on following email id's
ReplyDeletediwakarwankhedeathotmaildotcome and dhwankhedeatgmaildotcom
A great Godly family of nine plus two. Your family looks so blessed and how true the Word of God is and your family reflect what it is said in Psalm 128. May you always be at the center of God's will.
ReplyDeleteDiwakar Wankhede from Mumbai, India