"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea."
Habakkuk 2:14
Yesterday morning there was another absolutely beautiful sunray display in our yard. It was probably one of the best so far. We were doing our family Bible Study with Balancing the Sword when Daddy and Hannah pointed it out to me. I was allowed to go take some pictures and here was what I saw:
The other day I was wondering how I knew if God was real...you know like my heart and head knew He was because I feel His presence every day but I wanted proof - if you know what I mean. I was like Thomas, Jesus' disciple, who wouldn't believe until his hands touched where Jesus had the holes from the nails in his hand and feet. I loved Jesus - no doubt about it but I wanted proof and I prayed that Jesus would show me something to give me a peace about knowing He was there and real. The sunrays were the way I saw it. God's hand is so visible in creation. As I stood out in the yard, camera in hand, in awe and amazement at the grandeur before me I was speechless and I heard Jesus gently chiding me saying "Do you believe now?" And I was like "How could I not?!" In front of my eyes was a brilliant display that Jesus planned just for me! Doesn't that make you love Him more and more?! Daddy has told me that asking questions about what you believe (a.k.a struggling) is not bad because I need to figure out what I believe and why otherwise I'm like a house on the sand. Jesus is always there to answer my questions, all I have to do is talk/pray to Him or read His Word and the answer to my question is always right in front of me. Oh, I just love Jesus! He never gets angry at me but is always beside me, holding my hand and giving me strength when I need it or a smile when I look in His face, and the list goes on and on! Jesus' hand is everywhere - words cannot, and never will, be able to express the love He sheds on us. (And words cannot express how much I love Him!)
All for Jesus,
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