"Its leaves were lovely, Its fruit abundant, And in it was food for all. The beasts of the field found shade under it, The birds of the heavens dwelt in its branches, And all flesh was fed from it."
Daniel 4:12
I was outside last week and took some pictures of the nature surrounding our house and Alexis, Eden and Josiah. Here they are!
Our house
Josiah, Alexis and Eden again
As you can see, Josiah wasn't very excited to smile for the camera in this picture!
And, just for you to know something neat, Josiah is right behind Eden but you can't see him!
Josiah and Eden around a tree
This tree is by a hill at the entrance of another trail
Eden and Josiah by a bright-yellow tree
Alexis by some leaning trees
Josiah, Eden and Alexis underneath the supported yet leaning tree.
Josiah, Eden and Alexis under another leaning tree.
Josiah, Alexis and Eden swinging on a tree.
Eden in the sun
Josiah and Eden in a leaf-covered trail
All of these pictures were taken on our land. Daddy made all the trails for us a few years ago and we still love walking down them and playing Indian in the woods (which works out great because we have a little creek for water!). We even have a fallen cedar tree across the creek. Daddy was cutting it down a few years ago and he prayed, specifically, to Jesus to let the tree fall across the creek to the other side so we could get across! It's still there today and we walk across it every time we go hiking through our woods!