"He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'"
Job 37:6
Daddy made us a snowman before the snow really started to melt (like it is today).
Yesterday morning, as I was finishing up my chore, one of my siblings called and said Daddy wanted me. There were some fluffy birds eating the chicken feed and there was one bright red cardinal, too! So, Daddy called me to come take some pictures.
I got pictures of almost every other bird but the cardinal. He kept flying away at every tiny noise!
There he is again.
A bird on the fence post.
If you click on the picture, it'll blow up and you can see how cute and fluffy this little fellow was!
The same bird (the one on the fence) in the tree in the chicken yard.
He got a little off course (he was supposed to stay in the driveway! :)
Seth with Alexis on the back.
I love watching animals in nature. The birds would hop to the left, then to the right, then to the left...I think you get the point! They were so skiddish, but they would tilt their head to one side, looking at you and then continue hopping and pecking the ground for food. The Lord's hand is so present everywhere in nature (and elsewhere), how can anyone say we evolved from gel?
Here are the sledding pictures from Tuesday morning. We sledded at our neighbors, the Slaughters, house.
Here are the sledding pictures from Tuesday morning. We sledded at our neighbors, the Slaughters, house.
Daddy would wait for everyone to sled down the hill and then go down to pick everyone up in his truck and tow them back up the hill. What a kind Daddy!
The driveway was icy (Hannah can testify! :) so you could sled down the hill at an alarming rate of speed.
Caleb again.
As you can tell from the above pictures, Seth was very close to me and actually suceeded in hitting me! :) Thankfully it didn't hurt too much and I didn't drop the camera! :)
(Sledding does that to you!)
As you might have noticed, there are no pictures of Hannah or I sledding. After about 1 hour of sledding, we were starting to get tired and cold. From one of my experiences, I had a coat on a little too big for me, but nonetheless less comfy, and I had Daddy pull the hat so tight that when I would lay on the sled and take off down the hill, the hat would come down over my eyes, so that I couldn't see where I was going and the drawstrings (to tighten my hat) were underneath the sled and I kept trying to pull it up and...to make things worse, I had Eden or Josiah with me (poor Josiah did fall off once), so I had to keep them from falling of while battling all my other problems. Like Daddy said, I could've just taken the hat off, but then I would get wind burn... So, we still had a great time sledding and we all laughed at the different positions, speeds and wrecks we had, making a great Winter memory! :)
Overjoyed to belong to Jesus,
Kimber :)