"Your sandals shall be iron and bronze;As your days, so shall your strength be."
Deuteronomy 33:25
I think I've told you before that Lydia loves shoes. On one of my last posts she was in Daddy's shoes...here's some pictures of her in Mommy's:
We do gardening from 9 AM - around 11 AM as often as we can.
Hannah and I (Kimber) started out gardening last Monday morning in the greenbean row. Mama planted the greenbeans too close (we didn't thin them) so they were overcrowding each other and the sun barely penetrated the ground beneath them. Hannah moved to the middle of the row where all the plants were overcrowded and I stayed on the outside. Suddenly I hear:
"I think there's a black widow over here," Hannah calmly said.
[For those of you who don't know much about the venemous black widow spider they love cool and damp places for their webs...to read more about them click here]
I just stared at her, my eyes huge.
"Where's Daddy?" I asked.
(Daddy had stayed longer after breakfast to help out a little with the gardens)
Thankfully Daddy was coming to the backyard, so we called him over.
"Yep, that's a black widow alright," Daddy said as he proceeded to destroy it and its web using a stick and his boot.
Hannah and I looked at each other and proceeded to fastly (and nervously!) get away from the greenbean patch. Mama came over and said "I'll do that part and you girls can take over the other part of the greenbean patch where it's not so crowded."
Gratefully we moved over to the other side of the greenbean patch and continued picking.
Hannah and I were both pretty jumpy for about 10 minutes after the sighting and any little thing scared us. But then we got over our fear and eventually made it back to where the black widow was squashed and, after all the greenbeans were picked, went inside.
Everyone helped out at some point with the greenbeans.
It may not look like a lot of greenbeans but we filled a 5-gallon bucket to the top and probably could've filled another one!
We listened to a Jonathan Park while snapping off the ends and cutting them in half.
After lunch Mama canned 8 quarts, while we (Mama, Alexis, and I) went to the store Hannah canned another 8 quarts totalling 16 quarts altogether. We probably could've done another 8 too!
Mama figured that we eat 80 quarts of greenbean a year so we have canned about 1/4 of our greenbean consumption!
I have lots more to post, but this will have to do for now!
All for Jesus,