"Man goes out to his work and to his labor until the evening."
Psalm 104:23
Well, Daddy rented a tractor (BOBCAT 90HP TURBO) for a day or two and has been working on grading and removing the roots that are spread throughout the land that will become our orchard soon. (The trees arrive next week) Having a rented tractor is much easier in the process than us going out and pulling the roots (or macheting) up! (We did do that once!)
As I was outside and had a few minutes before I needed to heat food up for dinner, I went and took pictures of our blooming flowers.
Believe it or not I forgot to take pictures of the strawberries! :) Maybe one day I'll remember to go take pictures of the gardens and post them!
Our plans for this weekend are as follows:
Friday - doing 2 weeks worth of chores (we'll be gone next Friday), gardening, cooking, etc.
Saturday - get ready for going "up north" to my grandparents house for Resurrection Sunday, watching my Uncle get baptized and become a deacon and also more cooking, gardening, etc.
Sunday - head up north (Woodbridge, VA) early that morning, go to my Uncle's church, go to my Grandparents house and eat lunch, search for Easter eggs, open Resurrection Sunday baskets and enjoy each other!
For those of you at our church, we will not be here Sunday but will be Wednesday (the one after Resurrection Sunday). Then we'll be gone the next Sunday and Wednesday at the beach in Emerald Isle, NC. I'll tell you more about it later!
All for Jesus!