"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it."
1 Corinthians 9:24
Well, I finished uploading all of the pictures I told you about! And now, you get to see them for yourselves!
Thursday night last week we made 2 batches of cookies - Spritz Cookies (courtesy of G.G.) and Chewy Ginger Cookies (courtesy of Jaime Robinson - hi!). Spritz Cookies is a family favorite and we normally only make them during the Christmas season. We (Mommy, Hannah, Alexis and I - Kimber) were going to our Church's cookie fellowship and we were supposed to bring a side dish and 3 dozen cookies. That's why we made cookies. Anyways, Mommy, Alexis and I made the batter up and then after dinner we rolled and cookie-pressed them. These are the pictures of the production of mass cookies! :)
These are some pictures of Lydia I took a few days ago.
(Ever seen such big, blue eyes?!)
Moving the piano in
Mommy and Hannah on the new, cushioned piano seat.
Hannah trying it out!
Most of the family posing for a picture around the shiny piano before continuing with school.
Daddy also bought us a piano light and Caleb, Hannah, Alexis and Lydia installed it for us while we made cookies.
Caleb and Lydia
What is that thing?
[Daddy] "I'm confused"
Lydia underneath the table
My cousins (left to right) Kaitlyn and Sarah. Sarah just missed the ball by deflecting it off her head.
Some of you may know that we received a new to us piano last week. It is a Young Chang and is very beautiful! Daddy and Mommy bought it from Rick Jones Pianos (http://www.rickjonespianos.com/) and we are highly satisfied.
(Daddy stayed until lunch time that day because he knew the piano was coming that day and wanted to be here when he saw our surprise. They never told us anything)
These are pictures of Lydia and her brothers.
And these are the pictures of when we cleaned our carpets the day after Thanksgiving.
Here are the Thanksgiving Pics:
(That's Daddy's arm in the foreground)
(It's really neat seeing all the different faces of people as they hit balls :)
(The ball is at the very top of the picture)
I won't lecture you to much on how fun photography is...the key word was "too much." Here I go! I love photography! Isn't it so wonderful to be able to capture the above pictures? It's so much fun, figuring out a camera, how to operate it, trying new angles for pictures, experimenting on your siblings...and the list could go on. I know I love photography and I get excited when I start talking about how much fun it is to be a photographer-in-training. I only wonder if my eyes light up when I talk about Jesus and His Word, as it does when I show daddy my pictures, or see how great a picture turned out, etc. I hope I never put photography over my First Love - Jesus. I hope my priorities are in this order: Jesus and then everything else. I often fall short though but my goal in life is to...
"Follow Jesus wherever he leads and to get back up and keep going when I fall."
Well, the next post is, hopefully, going to be on my 13th birthday luncheon!
A Christian in training,
Kimber :)
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